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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I cancel my membership?

Log in to your member profile. Use the Account menu to navigate to Subscription. Under “Subscription Details,” select “Turn off automatic renewal.” Your subscription will expire at the end of the current billing period.

How often are the top 10 stock picks updated?

Members get exclusive access to our top 10 stock picks every day . There will be 2 brand new picks added each month. Log in and choose the “Top 10 Stocks to Buy” tab to see the latest picks.

Where can I see how stocks are currently performing?

Log in to your member profile and select the “Stock Performance” tab. This will show the performance of every stock we currently recommend. Click on the column headers to sort the table. For more information on a stock, click on the row

Where can I get more advice from the Stock Rocket team?

Log in to your member profile and select the “New and Updates” tab. Here you will find a list of articles written by our team of experts. Choose Recent Articles to see the latest news, or choose Favorite Articles to see current trending topics.

Where can I update my profile picture, email address, or other account information?

Log in to your member profile and use the Account menu to navigate to Account Settings. Here, you can update your profile picture, email address, name, username, and biography. Click “Save Changes” when you are finished updating to complete your updates.

What information can I see about the top 10 stock picks?

When you click on a pick, you will be taken to a page with all the information you need to invest wisely. The current price and how it compares to previous prices are at the top. The company guide and key data are on the right. Scroll below the company description to see a graph of the stock’s recent performance. You can toggle the graph to display data over one day, one week, one month, three months, six months, one year, five years, ten years, the year-to-date, and more. If you are curious about a specific stock, use the menu on the top right to open the Search bar. Here, you can search for any stock or ticker.

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